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Sticky Maple Dates, Carrots & Sprouts ft Flora Buttery

A warming Christmas side dish consisting of Sticky Maple Dates, Carrots & Sprouts ft Flora Buttery.

A warming Christmas side dish consisting of Sticky Maple Dates, Carrots & Sprouts ft Flora Buttery.

  • Cooking Time
    30 minutes
  • Prep Time10 minutes
  • Servings4 portions
recipe image Sticky Maple Dates, Carrots & Sprouts ft Flora Buttery
  • 6 carrots
  • 20 Brussels sprouts
  • 10 dates
  • 4 tbsp maple syrup
  • salt and pepper
  • 4 tbsp Flora buttery
  • fresh thyme
  1. Preheat oven to 190°C.
  2. Chop the stubby ends off the carrots, then cut the carrots in half to create 12 shorter carrots. Cut each carrot piece lengthways into quarters.
  3. Chop the stubby ends off the brussel sprouts and remove a few outer leaves. Cut the dates in half, remove the stones and chop into smaller pieces.
  4. Add the carrots & sprouts to a large baking tray. Melt the Flora Buttery and drizzle all over the vegetables. Mix well and season with salt & pepper.
  5. Roast in the oven for 10 minutes, then mix in the maple syrup and dates. Roast for another 10 minutes until slightly browned.
  6. Serve up with some fresh thyme and enjoy!